It's Friday and I'm thankful that the week is winding down. It has been a week that hit us all hard - JT got a touch of the flu Monday afternoon, which always puts everyone on high alert. Funny how everyone starts washing their hands and taking their vitamins diligently once an illness hits the house. So far, (knock on wood), no one has shared the experience, although the occasional queasy stomach sends a rampant fear through the individual. I'm fighting a cold that came on yesterday, so hopefully that will be short-lived as well.

Presentations, meetings, and overall work for the clinic and other areas demanded a higher percentage of our time this week. Add that to taxes, a lease signing for the other half of Brad's building (thank you, Lord!), baking for the bake auction at church, and the normal schoolwork, and you have one filled-up week. JT promptly decided this week we were "too busy", so our response to that was to let him know that baseball practice starts Saturday.

I'm anxious to add gardening in to the schedule as well - but it is a bit early. We've had a streak of nice weather, and the temptation to get the lettuce and peas out is deepening. I'm going to try and wait another week or two and then push my luck and see what happens. I'm loving the low 60's though, and hope the ticks and gnats stay away for awhile to make this season even more enjoyable.

TJ is riding a bike with ease and super happy to have that independence. It took her about 4 days to get it mastered and she promptly stated that riding her bike is as much fun as swimming. She wants to conquer the big hill down from our house all by herself, but I have clipped her wings a bit and let her know she can go on our cul-de-sac road by herself, but the remainder of the neighborhood needs to have a supervisor at this point. While she is quite comfortable with motoring around on her own, she hasn't had much experience with meeting up with cars, so want to make sure she's an expert at that - and the HILL - before I give her much more freedom.

JT starts baseball this Saturday...we moved him up a division so know he will be challenged but more appropriately placed this year. Should be a fun time, but we have committed to a more active and intense program due to his intense love and skill in the sport. It will be fun to see how much he grows and improves over the course of the summer.

JD will start gun training next week and is soooo excited about finally getting that done. He had given him a bb gun for his birthday, and he was finally able to get it out a few weeks ago to test it now that the weather improved. He was accurate from the get-go, surprising us with how calm he can keep his movements in different positions in order to get an accurate shot. This kid lives and breathes army, so I guess it shouldn't surprise us that anything with a weapon is taken very seriously, and accuracy is a direction reflection on his abilities (in his mind.) He's been trying to earn money hand over fist, and this week managed to find a niche of making "clothes" for his sister's stuffed animals out of old socks. He then charges her for them and she's happy to pay. He even made a punch pass so she can get a discount after ten purchases.

I'm seeking some calm today, and since it is windy on the front porch, I am guessing I won't be sitting out there to fulfill that dream. So, instead, I'm looking through our California pictures and reminiscing on some peaceful memories. Here is one of my favorite sunset pictures I want to share (and there are a lot!) Hope you all have a great day and great weekend!

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2 Responses
  1. Joyce Says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I enjoyed reading about your family's busy week, and the children's accomplishments. :)
    We have some sickness here, too, but we are ALL down with it. This is the first time ever that we all had to stay home from church; what a strange Sunday.

    I am going to try to do a better job of blogging about daily happenings. I deleted an application on Facebook. That should help (silly me).

    Hope the rest of your family stays well!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    a 8/15/2011 Anonymous blog abandoned